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Life is not just about living with breathed but it is more than it sometimes it gives us unforgettable joyful moments and unpredictable sorrow experiences. It is a mixture of happiness, sadness, and much more. In today's world somewhere we all are forgetting to live a happy life, as now life is only about busy with work and not caring and sharing some precious moments with their loved ones. It is true work is also important but forgetting about living a peaceful and melodious life its remark as half of the majority are working like robots but the only difference between both is that we are created as a living beings and they are the creations of the same with no emotions and work same as we all work.

Living a life without any sorrow is not possible for anyone but living more good and happy life is possible but we all need to understand that if we always think of getting sad our life itself start getting sorrowful but, if we will see and think that everything have something good, life itself start getting more joyful and peaceful.

So always remember that your life is yours only whatever you think and do will make your life happy and sad.

Thanks for reading!

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