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About Pets

Pets are not just an animal for many they are like their family members, they are best loyal companion and a friend of all though they don't speak but their actions are enough to know that they are the one who make us laugh and decrease ones stress, their love towards other is unconditional, their main aim is to make their owner happy.

The human and animal bond is a denoted as mutual benefited bond, which is influenced by wellbeing of both mentally, physically and socially. It is also noted that most of the animal enjoy being cared and loved by their owner some pets like cat, elephants, dogs and more.

Pets also teach children important and good life lessons like responsibility, trust, compassion, patience and respect. It is the most widely adopted hobbies around the world, this hobby is not created at present but from centuries that man adopting them for taking pride in owning and showing them also noted as animal fancy, this hobby involves the appreciation, promotion and breeding of pet animals.

On the other side it is also require annual visits to the vet, grooming, food, vaccines, bedding and more. So it is important to know by the owner whether they can or cannot afford the pets annual costs if they can it is good to adopt them if they cannot so they should not adopt them.

Thanks for reading!!

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