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Education is derived from the Latin words educare means to lead out or bring forth. Education implies organized knowledge and not only limited to literary knowledge but it is a vast concept which includes moral values, development of an individual's personality and more.

Education is divided into three levels at school which are kindergarten, primary school and senior secondary. It not only provides the education at every stage of life but also develops skills and knowledge to everyone.

Education can access easily globally by only use of online means which is provided free and paid, education is not just limited to schools and coaching centres but what we are observing, learning and listening which relates with gaining knowledge and values from their family, friends, elders and Youngers are also the part of education.

Though different countries have different types of education policy for their students. Education at every stage of our life teach us different things which made us a good learner and it opens us one’s mind to see everything with a big horizon mentality in life.

"Knowledge and adding of good character is the aim of real and true education".

Thanks for reading!!

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