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Election Commission of India Theme: “Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participate”

“Remember, for your progress, for your welfare, your happiness; never fail to cast your vote in elections”.

                                             -  Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Election Commission of India was founded on 25th January, 1950 and its main role is regarded as the guardian of elections in the country. In every election, it issues a model of code of conduct for political parties and candidates to conduct elections in a free and fair way.

There are three main members in Election Commission of India the Chief Election Commissioner is appointed by the President of India and other two are the Election Commissioners.

Election Commission of India makes elections inclusive, accessible and participating for all by its rules and functioning. So the functions and roles are: division of constituencies, preparing up- to- date lists of all the valid voters, Notify dates and schedules of elections, security of nomination papers, settle down disputes referred by the president, fix and limit the election expenses and code of conduct and declare the election results.

So this all functions and roles are done under the vision election commission which provides every individual freedom to vote or to participate in elections and this how the elections are conducted with the proper view of proper democracy should remain among the people of country.

Some trending Hashtags like #ECI which refers to election commission of India- National icon makes a passionate appeal to all Indians to #Go Vote because every vote counts in democracy.

So these are some words which shows and aware the people regarding the elections through social media.

In a nutshell through its roles and powers election commission is to regulate the election more nicely which also give chance to others without any discrimination and make the democracy of a country more strong and well to do.

“Let’s make elections inclusive, accessible and participating by awaking and awaring the people".

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