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Foods that contains power

Foods that give rich levels of nutrients like potassium, fibres and minerals. At present people are becoming healths conscious many fitness trainers encourage their clients to eat these foods in daily diets. The key to enjoying power foods is proper preparation of these foods, the use of season - fresh foods and identifying your choice of flavour among foods. Some of food combinations are those that are prepared in kitchen on a regular basis, for instance combining chickpeas and onions.

This is a powerful source of iron which is required by the body for transporting oxygen in various part of body. Iron deficiency lead to anaemia, fatigue, brain fog and tiredness. Sulphur compounds in onion and garlic help in the absorption of iron and zinc from chickpeas. A quick way to prepare this is to make chickpea salad with chopped onions, chaat masala and dhania

Another combination is yoghurt and bananas which makes perfect snack the rough games like football and more. Exercising burns glucose and lowers the blood sugars. Yoghurts are packed with proteins that help preserve muscle mass and bananas are packed with carbohydrates that help in refuelling energy and preventing muscle soreness. A ready to recipe is banana smoothie topped with cool yoghurt.

In beverages, green tea is the best source of catechins that are effective in healing oxidative damage to cells. Adding a dash of lemon juice to green tea makes the catechins even more easily absorbable by the body.

There are many more foods and food combinations which are known as power foods.

Thanks for reading!!

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