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Lifestyle is a broad term that includes various aspects such as daily habits, behaviours, interests, values, and the choices people make in their personal and social lives. There are some important key points about the same like health and wellness, hobbies and interest, living environment, values and beliefs, financials management, tech. use, work-life balance, sustainability and personal growth.

· Health and Wellness- This includes diet, exercise, mental health practices, and overall well-being. It covers how people manage their physical and emotional health through routines and habits.

· Hobbies and Interests- The activities people engage in during their leisure time, such as sports, arts, reading, or travel. These reflect personal passions and interests.

· Living Environment- The type of housing people chooses, whether urban or rural, minimalist or luxurious, and how they design and decorate their living spaces.

· Values and Beliefs- It includes personal philosophies and ethics that guide decision-making and behavior, including cultural, religious, or moral beliefs.

· Financial Management- How an individual’s handle their finances, including budgeting, saving, and spending habits. Financial choices impact many aspects of lifestyle.

· Technology Use: The work of technology in daily life, including how people use digital devices, social media, and how they manage their screen time.

· Work-Life Balance- How individuals balance their professional responsibilities with personal life. This can involve work hours, stress management, and quality time spent with family and friends.

· Sustainability: Interest related to environmental influence, such as eco-friendly practices, recycling, and sustainable living habits.

· Personal Growth: How individuals take self-improvement and learning, including education, skill development, and personal goals.

Everyone’s lifestyle is different and uncommon which reflects individual choices, values, and situations. Customizing lifestyle involves making choices that align with goals and well-being.

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