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Motivation for realism in underdeveloped countries

Realism in Underdeveloped Countries

When discussing realism in underdeveloped countries, it is important to consider the following factors:

·       The current socio-economic conditions

·       The political landscape

·       The level of infrastructure development

·       The challenges faced by the population

By understanding these aspects, policymakers and stakeholders can develop realistic strategies to address the needs of underdeveloped nations.

Motivations for realism in underdeveloped countries are understandably different from those in other developed countries or nations. In third world countries which are of rural level and lives rural life are stagnated for centuries, ignorance of ill health and poverty have become the synonymous with rural life in these nations. And the worst tragedy is that the concerned on human population is taken for granted.

Political issues are more in underdeveloped countries which results in improper management for country in comparisons' to developed countries. Poor infrastructure or no proper in this pull them back from other developed countries, landlocked countries face this type and comes under undeveloped or non - developed countries. Lack of education and increase in population leads to this. The urgent needs of the hour in underdeveloped countries are rural development.

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