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Nothing last forever

So let’s talk about a very genuine topic that is nothing last forever which simply means that everything in this global is temporary. Yes as we all live our every stage of life ones, in fact we also lost the things and people we loved and needed the most.

Let’s know more about this, nothing when broke out it comes with two words no and thing and if we relate it with this above mentioned title so it shows that everything in this world which comes will have to go without having anyone and anything, and it itself represent that everything is transient. When a person die he or she will left all his or her belongings in this world, as for having that belongings they sacrifices most of their memorable moments that can be make them happy but we all humans think that whatever he or she owns will always remain with them, but in actual the reality is different whatever we own cannot remain with us, even the most popular quote says that even in darkness without any light our shadow too left us alone.

So always do whatever you want, but never think that these things and people stay with us forever,

Everything will leave us alone one day.

Thanks for reading!!

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