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SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is the practice of optimizing a website's architectural layout; it helps in content layout and making links more attractive pages that can be more readily found, relevant and prominent in response to use web searches which leads to higher the search engines rank.

Its techniques enable organizations to rank for possible keywords without paying much money on search engine marketing and results in the most valuable visitors.

Mainly SEO comes with two natures with results that are organic and paid. In simple words organic is the free way to get results and paid itself answers that the one have to pay to get results.

If we discuss about both organic and paid so the organic appear underneath the sponsored results

it cannot be influenced by charging Google. Paid results are the advertising mode where the one has to pay for the ads is better than organic results.

Bounce rate in SEO means that the single-page visits divided by all sessions, or the proportion of all sessions on ones site in which a person saw just one page and sent only one request to the analytics server.

Site speed is a crucial factor in SEO which comes with several reasons that are faster loading sites, Google algorithms takes into account page speed as a ranking factor, slow sites can lead to higher bounce rates and lower engagement. The ways to improve site speed are optimizing images and other media files, minimizing HTTP requests by reducing the number of elements on a page, enabling browser caching, using content delivery networks and minifying CSS (CASCADING STYLE SHEETS), JAVA SCRIPTS and HTML code.


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