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Skills are the ability to use one's knowledge efficiently and easily in execution or performance. In simple words it means that development of aptitude or ability. Basically there are two types of skills

Hard skills and soft skills.

Let’s know about hard skills it is a specific competencies, skills, knowledge and abilities to perform a particular task. It includes Microsoft office, interpreting data, financial planning, copywriting, troubleshooting, project management, spoken languages and more. For this you have to be skilled in proficiency in a foreign language, a degree or certificate, typing speed, machine operation, computer programming and more. This is hard skills which relates with intellectual knowledge.

Now let’s know about another skill that is soft skills it is a personality traits, social competencies and more used to perform interpersonal activities and unique tasks. It includes communication skills, time management, critical thinking, leadership skills, motivation, negotiating and more. For this you have to be skilled in grooming your personality and thoughts.

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