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Social Media

So here, we will know about this above mentioned title that is social media as all of us are familiar with is name very closely as majority of us use social media for different purposes. We can meet and convey our messages from sitting at the corner to whole world. It is something that majority of us cannot live without social media it is also true when someone gets bored they use for their enjoyment but the people overuse the social media platforms. Children also get distracted by overusing of this platform. Social media is helpful in many ways if we ignore the dark side and see it's benefits there are many good things that help people to show their great talent or to spread awareness that will help not only one person but at the global level.

There are many social media platform you all must know like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and many more. It is both boon and bane if you use it in a right way it will be a boon but if we use it in a wrong way it will be a bane for some. So use it as now we can connect globally and this is the way to connect and showcase your talent to the world.

Thanks for reading!!

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