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Views on selfie

Selfie is defined as a photograph that one has taken of itself, typically taken with a smartphones or webcam and shared via social media. But because it seems to be all the rage to be negative about popular things, many people labelled selfie taking as negative. Teenagers with an affinity for taking photos of them are known to be self-absorbed and wasting their time.

People are basically taking selfies because they can, and the easy access to portable camera phones make it easy. The great thing about selfies is that they allow controlling an image. Taking the picture, do not give someone else the power to manipulate how one looks, they allow to put ones 'out there' and let the world know that one exist. Andrea Letamendi, clinical psychologist and research fellow at UCLA, noted in a study and was quoted in a Time magazine article saying, 'Self captured images or pictures allow young adults and teens to express their mood states and share important experiences'.

Selfies are sometimes more than just trying to look pretty and beautiful. They can be about empowering ones and sharing that feeling with others. There is an overwhelming pressure in society today that we must all be beautiful, skinny, and perfect, like many celebrities, models that we see in magazines, TV and in movies. There's an entire industry of diet, pills, cosmetics and hundreds of other appearance charges that prey on people's lack of self-esteem. Its' depressing to feel that you aren't pretty enough or anything like that. In a world where teenagers are under constant scrutiny, I see no problem with us trying to find ways to love ourselves. If taking a pretty photo and sharing it with others completes that, then so be it.

Thanks for reading!!


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